宾州州立银行 student startup received VentureWell E-Team Program Grant

Streamline Charging LLC is developing electric vehicle charging technology
Three people view technological prototype

凯瑟琳·豪泽, Assistant Teaching Professor of Engineering; John Gatto, Principal and CEO of JGO Services LLC; and 乔纳森•史密斯, 流线充电有限责任公司创始成员流线充电有限责任公司的半比例原型.

Credit: Courtesy of Sadan Kulturel-Konak

WYOMISSING,爸爸. — 宾州州立银行 student startup team Streamline Charging LLC, 哪家公司正在开发具有成本效益的电动汽车充电技术, was among 22 national teams selected for the summer 2023 cohort of the VentureWell Accelerator E-Team Program, which supports student ventures. Streamline Charging LLC was awarded $5,000 in funding and an opportunity to participate in the Pioneer workshop, 旨在帮助他们为自己的发明发现最佳市场,并启动他们的项目.  

The Pioneer workshop was held at 引擎, 这是麻省理工学院在波士顿建立的一个联合办公空间,帮助发展和培育由创始人组成的“艰难的科技生态系统”, 创业公司, 学者, strategic corporate partners, policymakers and capital providers. 

在那里, Streamline Charging worked on developing customizable, 具有成本效益的电动汽车充电技术,每个充电站可以为多达10个停车位提供服务, 降低安装成本,让电动汽车更容易进入现有的加油站. 

十大正规赌博平台大全柏克学院的学生团队成员都完成了学院的基础工程设计课程(EDSGN 100),后来通过机械工程独立学习(ME 297)组成了一个团队。. 结果是学院首次尝试为一年级工程专业学生提供推进工程设计项目的机会. 

The founding members of Streamline Charging include seniors Melanie 麦金农, 乔纳森•史密斯, Nathan •弗里兰 and 马克Yazemboski. 麦金农, 史密斯, and •弗里兰 attended the E-Team Program. 目前,该团队已扩大到包括高年级学生肖恩·马吉尔顿,布雷登·里特和扎卡里·施莱格尔. All team members began their engineering degrees at 宾州州立银行. •弗里兰, Ritter and Schlegel intend to complete their degrees at 博克斯, 而其他四人则计划在十大正规赌博平台大全公园分校完成各种工程学位.  

麦金农, a mechanical engineering major at University Park, said benefited from what she learned, stating “VentureWell taught me about many aspects that go into a startup. I learned that there isn’t just one path to market. 它帮助我的团队重新考虑我们想要将我们的产品商业化的途径. VentureWell还告诉我们的团队,了解客户是谁,以及如何定制我们的产品以满足他们的需求是多么重要.” 

•弗里兰, a mechanical engineering major at 宾州州立银行, 他说他学到了为了明天的成功今天应该采取的步骤.

“After having gone through the workshop, 我现在对我们要服务的客户有了更好的了解,也更清楚我们希望参与到电动汽车充电器的产品链中去,弗里兰说. "What was especially helpful for me were the post-workshop meetings, 在那里我学到了更多赌博平台大全目前在分配股权时应该采取的步骤, filing a patent and the different types of funding we should search for. Through these experiences, 我对我们的设计有了信心,作为一名电动汽车充电领域的企业家.” 

史密斯, an architectural engineering major at Penn State University Park, 添加, “VentureWell帮助我们重新评估了我们在电动汽车充电市场的地位,并确定了新的增长可能性. The program opened our eyes to new partnerships and methods of doing business. This has all helped us form a concrete path forward, and make sure Streamline Charging can make the impact the market needs.” 

流线型充电的创建是学院机械工程独立学习课程(me297)的一项任务的结果。. 学生有独特的机会在定制的课程结构中追求自己的兴趣. 通过课程和十大正规赌博平台大全的博克斯,他们在不同的阶段都取得了成功 Flemming Creativity, 创业 and Economic Development (CEED) Center ,并因此申请并获得E-Team计划资助.  

The Streamline Charging team completed the Flemming CEED Center’s Customer Discovery Lab, 是什么指导团队验证他们的商业假设,并将崭露头角的企业家与导师联系起来. At completion of the Customer Discovery Lab, the team received an NSF I-Corps microgrant to develop their prototype. streamlined Charging获得了 CEED中心VentureWell项目的另一项种子资助, “STEM课程的交叉授粉,以维持企业家团队的颠覆性技术解决方案。.”  

Their engineering faculty mentor is 凯瑟琳·豪泽他们的商学院导师是 Sadan Kulturel-Konak他是管理信息系统教授,也是弗莱明CEED中心主任. The team also worked with business mentors: John Gatto, principal and CEO of JGO Services LLC; Charles Snyder of East Penn Manufacturing; and Tom Wessner, 特斯拉的前任.  

Kulturel-Konak stated, “我们对streamlined Charging LLC团队成员致力于探索每一个机会来推进他们的客户发现和原型制作工作感到非常自豪.”  

豪泽说, “The team is currently pursuing several opportunities, 我们期待着向他们提供所需的支持,使他们在未来的努力中取得成功.” 

About the Flemming CEED Center 

The Flemming Creativity, 创业, 经济发展中心(CEED)中心成立于2011年秋,是盖革科技与商业创新大楼的一部分. 它的使命是激发十大正规赌博平台大全伯克社区的创业精神和创新思维. CEED中心通过基于技术的解决方案促进大雷丁地区的经济增长和发展, human capital development, and enterprise creation. 它为学生企业家提供了一个孵化器,让他们发展自己的创业想法,并得到教师的指导, as well as volunteers from the local business community. The CEED Center’s programs include the Customer Discovery Lab, Creativity Training Workshops, 3D Printing Workshops, 系列讲座, the STEM Business Idea Challenge, and the Student Enterprise Award. For more information, contact Kulturel-Konak at (电子邮件保护)


Sadan Kulturel-Konak

十大正规赌博平台大全管理信息系统教授Sadan Kulturel-Konak说
